Norbotten example presented at EU conference in Brussels
In connection with the European Week of Regions and Cities 2024, the Swedish Lapland Visitors Board was invited to present Norrbotten’s tourism strategy with the associated Arctic agenda Care for the Arctic – It’s our home.
“We are proud to contribute to the debate and the work of shaping the future of Europe and its regions and cities”, says Annika Fredriksson, CEO Swedish Lapland Visitors Board.
The European Week of Regions and Cities is the largest annual Brussels-based event for EU cohesion policy. Participants will learn about several interesting examples from regions and cities across the EU, much of it linked to their work and ability to create development and jobs based on regional participation and co-creation.
Under the overall theme “Smart and sustainable growth for regions” and the heading “Tourism Regions addressing climate change risks”, Camilla Bondareva, Head of Brand Communications at Swedish Lapland Visitors Board, presented Norrbotten’s tourism strategy with the associated Arctic agenda Care for the Arctic – It’s our home.
“The event aims to showcase the importance of local and regional initiatives and innovations for European development and competitiveness,” said Camilla Bondareva.
“Many European regions are interested in learning about the development of our tourism industry and the regenerative approach we take in working together with facilitators, businesses and individuals to make tourism a force for good in local communities”.
The seminar was chaired by Ms. Ramune Genzbigelyte, Tourism Policy Officer at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Internal Market, Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and SMEs. The seminar also presented a practical example from the French region of Auverne-Rhône-Alpes and the Portuguese region of Oeste.
“Increased knowledge of other European regions’ solutions for dealing with the challenges of the tourism industry gives us in Norrbotten greater opportunities to increase the conditions for realizing the potential of companies to do business from the global demand for our unique Arctic culture and nature, while together we take on the transition work towards the goals of Agenda 2030,” concludes Annika Fredriksson.
Organizers are the European Commission Directorate General Regional and Urban Policy and the European Committee of the Regions.
Find out more about the European Week of Regions and Cities here.